Tuesday, March 8, 2011

On Money, Part II

It's day eight of my new, strict budget and I can't stave my addiction to Dunkin' Donuts coffee! I spent $1.72 Monday thru Friday, and while that may not seem like much, that adds up to $34.40 for the month, and that's coming out of my budgeted $100 for Miscellaneous activities, only leaving me $65.60 for any 'emergencies' that crop up. Otherwise, I'm on track, I've managed to stay out of Target and the video store, relying on Netflix, my dvr queue and basic cable to keep me entertained and I've resisted going out to fast food joints to spend needlessly on food that I won't really enjoy all that much anyway. But I still feel like I could be doing more, saving more, cutting more corners, which is next to impossible, since I don't have anymore money to save! Not making a lot really curbs my desire to have several healthy savings funds. Ultimately, I do feel good about the budget I made up and I feel I'll have a measurable amount of success with it. Now, if I could just keep my butt out of Dunkin' Donuts!

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