Monday, July 16, 2012

Have a review!

It’s been seven years since Fiona Apple’s Extraordinary Machine and she’s used to the time to craft an album that is sonically spare, lyrically dense; a work you have to actively listen to instead of letting the easy pop melodies flow over your skin without absorbing them.  The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do (apparently it’s 1999 again) is an album that demands to be listened to from the first track (‘Every Single Night’) to the last (‘Hot Knife’) because it is not just a collection of singles but a journey Apple tells of a hard won fight against her neuroses (“every single night’s/ a fight/with my brain”) so her heart’s open enough to let the good stuff in (“he makes my heart a cinemascope screen showing a dancing bird of paradise”).  The Idler Wheel is emotional without being sentimental and delivers a truly deserving happy ending, well, as happy an ending as Apple can deliver.
I have never been so frustrated in my life.  I just want ALL THE THINGS to happen now!  I want to be finished with undergrad, I want to know if I've been accepted to the grad school programs I applied to, I want my hair to make the transition from chemically relaxed to natural NOW so I can rock my curly fro, I want to be done with watching my cousin's kids because I DO NOT want that responsibility in my life (ohmygod, it's so OVERWHELMING), I want the seventy pounds I need to lose to be gone now so I can rock half-shirts, I want my novel to be written already and published to great acclaim and sales, I want that screenplay I want to write to be produced and shot and shown at Sundance and bought by Harvey Weinstein; I just want ALL THE THINGS.  NOW.