Monday, November 8, 2010

The Working Writer

So today marks the second week of NaNoWriMo and the first week was ROUGH. I barely wrote three pages, inspiration not coming easily. I had spent weeks excited at the prospect of starting my novel, I felt I finally had an idea that I could see to the end, but I had a frustrating first day (thanks for that world) that I just couldn't seem to recover from last week. But I feel rejuvenated and I spent all afternoon working on "the novel" (I do have a title that I absolutely love, simple and to the point) and I hit the daily goal I set for myself and that feels remarkably good. There are things I know I want to change already, but I'm trying something different this go around, instead of editing as I write, I'm just gonna go with the words that end up on my page until the bitter end. I've never truly had a rough draft, when I felt I was finished with a piece that ended up being the only draft because of the major overhauls I'd made during the writing of it, but I want to see if this way of writing will allow me to be easier on myself during the actual work of writing. Here's to a new way of doing an old endeavour!