Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hi World!

I recently weighed myself and I am now at the highest weight I've ever been at. I don't know how to process this. This number means that I have to change. Everything. Here's the catch; I don't want to. I know I'm not active enough, but I enjoy my sedantary life. I enjoy all the complex carbohydrates and empty calories I scarf down when I'm sitting in front of the tv. I enjoy my life the way it's set up and I know to change the way I eat, the way I move, I have to change the way I think, the way I enjoy myself and I'm simply not ready for that. But when will I be? How can I go through a seismic change and end up on the other side of it trimmer and healthier? What has to happen? Diabetes? A stroke? A heart attack? I don't want to get to that point, but there is still that stupid part of me that thinks I never will. I haven't shaken the invincible fallacy yet, even at thirty years of age I think I will live forever. I need help but I'm not the type to ask for it, what has to happen for me to finally see? How do you change everything you are?