Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Fun

I am so bored. All I do is go to work and read fanfiction. I said I was going to have a fun summer. So far, it hasn't been filled with crazy adventures. What's wrong with me? Why can't I ever just get off my butt and do stuff? It doesn't help that my circle of friends is very limited, three of my closet friends have children, the other one lives in the city and doesn't really make time for me and the other one is always broke. I would love to make more friends, more single friends with disposable income, but how do I meet these people? I don't have any hobbies that would put me in the path of new people, so how do I strike out and meet new people. It's so hard to make friends once you've reached a certain age. How do I get a life? Help, universe, help!

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