Monday, October 11, 2010

It's Me again!

So, today was the first workday of my lay-off was a bit weird. The weather was mystifyingly beautiful so I was grateful that I wasn't cooped up in the office not enjoying it, but I feel I struggled in finding things to keep me occupied. I'm a person that doesn't do well with free time, I idle and I eat. I have to find ways to occupy my time so that I don't resort to old habits, oh, and I have to fight against my natural inclinations of gluttony and sloth for three months. This should be interesting. I know I should probably fill my time with museums, art galleries, bike rides, but I most likely won't. I would love to be that person who gets up in the morning and decides to go for a five mile hike, or to get on the train and visit the Art Institute downtown, but I love my creature comforts and it is like pulling teeth to get me to do something outside of my normal routine and if someone tells me I need to try something different? I roll my eyes and proceed to not listen to them as hard as I can. How does one fight against their nature? I want to be awesome active person, but it's so much easier to just read a book or watch a television show. How does one fake it till they make it?

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